Hello, trainers! I am Danti123. This is not written by me! I just post it so that it is easier to find. I changed some of them on my thoughts.
I give credit to saarloos1991 for making this guide.
Tip: Use Ctrl+F buttons on your keyboard and use the search box to quickly find the area or pokemon you are looking for
Rarity Guide
(C) = Common
(U) = Uncommon
(R) = Rare
(G) = Grotto Rare *These can be extremely hard to find*
(Note - some pokemon are rarer in one area than in another area, the rarity shown next to each pokemon is to reflect it's rarity in that specific area)
Some locations have images of specific grass patches, the pokemon listed above that image can only be found in that one patch. If there is no patch pictured then those Pokemon can be found in every patch in that map
Grassy Patch:
Caterpie (C)
Bluegum Town:
Abra (C)Meditite (R)Sentret (C)Shinx (U)Starly (C)
Jigglypuff (C)Poochyena (C)Snubbull (C)Wurmple (C)
Cherubi (C)Cubone (U)Scyther (R)
Tournament House Prizes:Shiny Bidoof Shiny Dunsparce Shiny Kricketot Shiny Pikachu Shiny Seedot Shiny Sentret Shiny Shinx Shiny Spinarak
Route 1:
Ekans (C)Rattata (C)Trapinch (U)Whismur (C)Wooper (C)Yanma (U)
Blitzle (U)Kricketot (C)Ninacada (C)Pidove (U)Sewaddle (R)Sunkern (U)Venonat (C)
Gulpin (R)Heracross (C)Pineco (C)Ralts (C)Sableye (U)Seedot (C)
Bluegum Caves:
Geodude (C)Onix (R)Rhyhorn (R)Zubat (C)
Bluegum Underground:
Diglett (C)Geodude (C)Nosepass (R)Sandshrew (U)
Bluegum Depth:
Diglett (C)Geodude (C)Nosepass (R)Sandshrew (U)
Route 2:
Budew (R)Corphish (C)Lotad (C)Surskit (C)Wingull (R)
Bronzor (C)Munchlax (R)Shellos (C)Stunky (C)
Diglett (U)Jigglypuff (C)Oddish (C)Vulpix (U)
Slakoth (C)Slugma (C)Teddiursa (R)Wurmple (C)
Dunsparce (C)Girafarif (C)Magnemite (U)Mareep (C)Paras (U)
Darlinghurst Town:
Bellsprout (C)Machop (R)Weedle (C)
Doduo (C)Spinarak (U)Tangela (R)
Krabby (R)Spoink (C)Taillow (C)
Aipom (C)Murkrow (U)Ponyta (C)
Exeggcute (C)Hoothoot (C)
Tournament House Prizes:Shiny Bidoof Shiny Dunsparce Shiny Kricketot Shiny Pikachu Shiny Seedot Shiny Sentret Shiny Shinx Shiny Spinarak
Darlinghurst Ranch:
Abra (C)Bellsprout (C)Dunsparce (C)Exeggcute (C)Rattata (C)Venonat (R)
Route 3:
Grimer (R)Pidgey (C)Voltorb (U)
Hoppip (U)Spearow (C)
Natu (U)Plusle (U)Swinub (C)
Route 3 - Secret Grotto:
Dratini (R/G)Gible (G)Pidgey (C)Rattata (C)
Route 4:
Ledyba (C)Sandshrew (C)
Koffing (C)Sandshrew (C)
Drowzee (U)Mankey (R)Meowth (C)
Goldeen (U/R)Horsea (R)Magikarp (C)Poliwag (U)Remoraid (U)Seel (R)Tentacool (U)
Newpine Town:
Corphish (C)Krabby (C)Lotad (C)Wingull (C)Zigzagoon (C)
Snorlax (Limited = Can only get 1 from this tree)(Note - Face the house and press x)
Route 5:
Nidoran F (C)Nidoran M (C)Snubbull (U)Taillow (C)Tangela (C)
Nidoran F (C)Nidoran M (C)Snubbull (U)Spoink (C)Taillow (C)Tangela (C)Tropius (R)
Nidoran F (C)Nidoran M (C)Psyduck (U)Taillow (C)Tangela (C)
Seviper (Limited = Can only get 1 from this tree)(Note - Face the water and press x)
Nidoran F (C)Nidoran M (C)Snubbull (U)Taillow (C)Tangela (C)Trapinch (C)
Grayview Cave:
Diglett (C)Geodude (C)Makuhita (C)Nincada (U)Onix (R)Shuckle (U)Sneasel (U)Spinarak (C)Tyrogue (R)Wynaut (R)Zubat (C)
Grayview Cave - Secret Grotto:
Delibird (C)Larvitar (G)Sableye (R)Spoink (C)
Oldpine Town:
Duskull (R)Gastly (C)
Gastly (C)Shuppet (R)
Growlithe (C)Ledyba (C)
Oldpine Jailfield
Rattata (C)
Diglett Run Cave:
Diglett (C)Zubat (C)
South Grayview Cave:
Aron (R)Mawile (R)Nosepass (R)Rhyhorn (R)Spinarak (C)Spinda (C)Teddiursa (C)Whismur (C)Wynaut (R)Zubat (C)
Route 6
Electrike (C)Mareep (C)Shroomish (R)Wurmple (C)
Elekid (R)Igglybuff (C)Ledyba (C)Mareep (C)Pichu (R)Shroomish (R)Skitty (C)Togepi (C)
Eastbourne Shore
Krabby (C)Wingull (C)
Tournament House Prizes:Shiny Electrike Shiny Gastly Shiny Shuckle Shiny Spoink Shiny Teddiursa Shiny Tropius Shiny Zubat
West & East Eastbourne Farmlands
Furret (U)Sentret (C)Sunkern (C)Zangoose (R)Zigzagoon (C)
Northwest Eastbourne Farmlands
Furret (U)Sentret (C)Sunkern (C)Zangoose (R)
Grand Garden Maze
Silcoon (U)Sunkern (C)Zangoose (R)Zigzagoon (C)
Route 7
Cacnea (C)Furret (U)Gligar (U)Numel (C)Seviper (R)
Sunrock Desert A
Cacnea (C)Cascoon (U)Castform (R)Houndour (C)Numel (C)Phanpy (C)Silcoon (U)Slugma (U)
Sunrock Desert B
Cacnea (C)Houndour (C)Numel (C)Phanpy (C)Slugma (U)Solrock (R)
Sunrock Desert C
Cacnea (C)Houndour (C)Magby (R)Numel (C)Phanpy (C)Slugma (U)
Sunrock Desert D
Cacnea (C)Houndour (C)Numel (C)Phanpy (C)Skarmory (U)Slugma (U)
Sunrock Desert E
Baltoy (R)Cacnea (C)Electabuzz (R)Houndour (C)Lunatone (R)Numel (C)Phanpy (C)Slugma (U)
Route 8
Cacnea (C)Houndour (C)Numel (C)Phanpy (C)Slugma (C)
Route 8 - Secret Grotto
Bagon (G)Houndour (C)Numel (C)Slakoth (U)
Route 9
Cacnea (C)Cascoon (U)Castform (U)Numel (C)Silcoon (U)
Sand Temple
Unown (C)
Sandmarsh Swamp & Lotad Nesting Ground
Lotad (C)
Route 10
Azurill (C)Cascoon (C)Lombre (C)Lotad (C)Magikarp (C)Pineco (C)Qwilfish (C)Silcoon (U)
Route 11
Azurill (C)Carvanha (C)Lombre (C)Lotad (C)Magikarp (C)Pineco (C)Qwilfish (C)Slowpoke (U)
Fossil Lab: Aerodactyl (1 Old Amber + 1 DNA Serum)Anorith (1 Claw Fossil + 1 DNA Serum)Kabuto (1 Dome Fossil + 1 DNA Serum)Lileep (1 Root Fossil + 1 DNA Serum)Omanyte (1 Helix Fossil + 1 DNA Serum)
Old Dorocoast Safari - Zone 1
Grass :Absol (R)Beautifly (U)Dustox (U)Minun (C)Mr.Mime (C)Stantler (C)
Water:Beautifly (U)Lotad (C)Magikarp (C)Minun (C)Mr.Mime (C)Stantler (C)Wooper (C)
Old Dorocoast Safari - Zone 2
Water:Lotad (C)Magikarp (C)Wooper (C)
Grass:Beautifly (R)Dustox (R)Lickitung (U)Miltank (U)Minun (C)Wynaut (C)
Sea:Carvanha (U)Lotad (C)Shellder (C)Staryu (R)
Old Dorocoast Safari - Frost Cave
Seel (R)Snorunt (C)Wobbuffet (U)Wynaut (C)
Old Dorocoast Safari - Zone 3
Beautifly (R)Clefairy (U)Dustox (R)Farfetch'd (U)Kangaskhan (R)Lotad (C)Minun (C)Smeargle (R)
Route 12
Carvanha (U)Lombre (C)Lotad (C)Magikarp (C)Pineco (C)Qwilfish (C)Slowpoke (C)Stantler (C)Wooper (C)
Dorocoast Dock
Pidgey (C)Wingull (C)
Shipwreck Sands
Carvanha (U)Corsola (U)Mantine (C)Tentacool (C)Wailmer (U)Wingull (C)
Undersea Cave
Chinchou (C)Clamperl (R)Corsola (U)Magikarp (C)Remoraid (C)Spheal (U)Tentacool (C)
Seafloor Cave
Chinchou (C)Corsola (C)Magikarp (C)Relicanth (R)Remoraid (C)Staryu (R)
Sea Fairy Forest
Grass:Jigglypuff (C)Munchlax (R)Scyther (R)Shellos (U)Wingull (C)Yanma (C)
Water:Carvanha (C)Magikarp (C)Poliwag (R)
Sea Fairy Cave
Carvanha (C)Feebas (R)Finneon (C)Magikarp (C)Poliwag (R)Shellos (C)
Blackfell Forest
Meowth (C)
Night:Gastly (C)Misdreavus (C)Paras (C)
Day:Spearow (C)Sudowoodo (C)
Blackfell Island Graveyard
Cubone (U)Meowth (C)
Night:Gastly (C)Misdreavus (C)
Day:Spearow (C)Sudowoodo (C)
Blackfell Caverns
Cubone (R)Gastly (C)Zubat (C)
Blackfell Caverns F2
Gastly (C)Misdreavus (C)Zubat (C)
Blackfell Caverns F3
Numel (U)Slugma (C)Torkoal (R)
Blackfell Caverns F4
Numel (U)Slugma (C)
Blackfell - Secret Grotto
Lapras (G)Magikarp (C)Smoochum (U)
Blackfell Caverns F1-A
Cubone (U)Duskull (U)Gastly (C)Nincada (C)Shuppet (U)Zubat (C)
Wildhaven Town
Tournament House Prizes:Shiny Aerodactyl Shiny Anorith Shiny Kabuto Shiny Lileep Shiny Magnemite Shiny Miltank Shiny Omanyte Shiny Ponyta Shiny Ralts
Route 15
Flaaffy (R)Mareep (C)Oddish (C)
Night:Chimecho (R)Hoothoot (C)Volbeat (C)
Day:Beedrill (C)Luvdisc (R)
Route 16
Flaaffy (R)Mareep (C)Oddish (C)
Night:Chimecho (R)Hoothoot (C)Illumise (U)
Day:Butterfree (C)
Route 13
Barboach (C)Exeggcute (C)Kecleon (R)Slakoth (C)Smeargle (U)
Night:Nuzleaf (U)Seedot (C)
Day:Tropius (U)
Route 14
Aipom (C)Barboach (C)Exeggcute (C)Feebas (U)Magikarp (C)Swablu (R)
Night:Nuzleaf (U)Seedot (C)
Day:Roselia (U)Tropius (U)
Route 14 - Secret Grotto
Eevee (G)Wooper (C)Zigzagoon (C)
Route 17
Geodude (C)Girafarig (U)Gligar (C)Kangaskhan (U)Magmar (R)Pinsir (C)Stantler (U)
Night:Clefairy (R)
Day:Staravia (U)
Route 18
Dunsparce (C)Skarmory (U/R)Spinda (C)Tauros (C)
Night:Jynx (C)Murkrow (C)
Day:Staravia (U)
Route 18 - Secret Grotto
Beldum (G)Geodude (C)Mr.Mime (C)
Route 19
Delibird (C)Doduo (C)Meditite (R)Ponyta (C)Snorlax (R)Tauros (C)
Night:Jynx (C)Snorunt (C)
North Grayview Cave
Diglett (C)Geodude (C)Sneasel (U)Spinarak (C)Tyrogue (R)Zubat (C)
Trail to Onderblade
Diglett (C)Geodude (C)Sneasel (U)Spinarak (C)Tyrogue (R)Zubat (C)
Onderblade Mines
Geodude (C)Onix (R)
Sorcerer's Castle Ground
Pidove (U)Poochyena (C)
Night:Hoothoot (C)Kricketot (C)
Day:Budew (R)Nincada (C)
Willowsteen Forest
Mawile (U)Pidove (C)Vulpix (C)
Night:Cascoon (U)Dustox (U)Hoothoot (C)
Day:Beautifly (U)Silcoon (U)Starly (C)
Grayview City Outskirts
Delibird (C)Jynx (U)Snorunt (C)Tauros (C)
Grayview City
Tournament House Prizes:Shiny Deino Shiny Flabebe Shiny Happiny Shiny Litwick Shiny Misdreavus Shiny Munchlax Shiny Murkrow Shiny Stunfisk Shiny Tynamo
Agent Ruins
Porygon (R)Rattata (C)Sandshrew (C)Shuckle (U)
Ashfall Forest
Bonsly (U)Fletchling (C)Pansear (R)Starly (C)
Route 200
Fletchling (C)Pidove (U)Purrloin (C)Starly (C)
Route 201
Bidoof (C)Magikarp (C)Purrloin (C)Starly (C)Wingull (C)
Honeybun Farm
Miltank (R)Bidoof (C)Pidove (U)Purrloin (C)Starly (C)Bunnelby (Feed an Important Carrot to one of the NPC bunnelby)
Sandmarsh Rainforest
Bidoof (C)Cherubi (C)Scatterbug (C)Sewaddle (C)Venipede (R)
Sandmarsh Rainforest Pond
Bidoof (C)Cherubi (C)Pansage (R)Scatterbug (C)Sewaddle (C)
Honeybun Meadow
Grass:Combee (U)Pidove (U)Purrloin (C)Sewaddle (C)Weedle (C)
Lure Station:Bidoof Buneary Fletchinder Weedle
(Note - KO lured pokemon to catch them - No pokeballs needed)
Dorocoast Lava Chamber
Dwebble (U)Litleo (R)Slugma (C)
Sunrock Fields A
A1 & A2:Blitzle (U)Bouffalant (U)Petilil (C)Sewaddle (C)Skiddo (U)Starly (C)
A3:Blitzle (U)Bouffalant (U)Flabebe (C)Petilil (C)Sewaddle (C)Skiddo (U)Starly (C)
Sunrock Fields B
B1:Blitzle (U)Bouffalant (U)Flabebe (C)Fletchling (C)Furfrou (R)Petilil (C)Starly (C)
B2 & B3:Blitzle (U)Bouffalant (U)Fletchling (C)Furfrou (R)Petilil (C)Starly (C)
Sunrock Fields C
C2:Blitzle (U)Bouffalant (U)Fletchling (C)Petilil (C)Pidove (U)Rufflet (R)
C3:Blitzle (U)Bouffalant (U)Flabebe (C)Fletchling (C)Petilil (C)Pidove (U)Rufflet (R)
Twin Ravine Island
Left patch:Pinsir (C)Spearow (C)Surskit (C)Zigzagoon (C)
Right patch:Heracross (C)Spearow (C)Surskit (C)Zigzagoon (C)
East & West Twin River Peaks:Taillow (C)Spearow (C)Hoppip (U)
Skitty Island (both maps)
Skitty (C)
Sunrock Fields E2
Blitzle (U)Bouffalant (U)Flabebe (C)Fletchling (C)Petilil (C)Pidove (U)Rufflet (R)
Deserted Island - Interior
Deerling (U)Joltik (U/R)Larvesta (R)Weedle (C)
Deserted Island - Shore
Deerling (U)Joltik (U/R)Larvesta (R)Weedle (C)
Happy hunting!
Wait... Danti? I'm pretty sure I had you friended in game! User was Zygarde1. You had something called DKClan or something like that I think.
You know I wish gilgiranda town would be accessible.
to be completely honest you should change the rarities back to the way they were and not what "your thoughts". the rarities in this guide are just inaccurate
Anyone know hwere Skitty island is? I don't find it.
Ok. I will edit soon. A bit busy these days.
this post needs text color changing. not able to see the text when using the default background
otherwise nicely reposted