Hello, trainers! I am Danti123. I recently found some interesting places in the future world. Let's take a look at them! This is going to be a long post so it will take me a long time to update.
1. Route 201 Tiny Island
Ever wondered how to get on that tiny island i circled? Check this out!
You have to go to Sandmarsh Rainforest first. You can either go north from Sandmarsh City or go south from Honeybun farm. Then, follow my steps below:
You might get blocked by a bush. Find an ORIGINALLY-OWNED Leavanny that knows 'Cut' and place it on your team. Then, keep going and you'll arrive here.
Go through the tunnel.
Climb up the ladder and you are there!
2. Meadow+Berries
Do you know how to get to the meadow?
First, go to HoneyBun Farm. You have to get some Honeybuns.
You can collect honey and berries from the left square part. You can go to the meadow by talking to the boy. You can make honeybuns and exchange Cornn Berries for 500c in the house.
Go inside the house.
Talk to the old woman to get honeybuns. *You will need 1 Magost Berry and 1 honey for each honeybun.
Talk to the old man to exchange 3 Cornn Berries for 500c.
Then, go back to the boy and ask to go the the meadow.
Go the the lure station in the middle. Interact with it and put 1 Honeybun there.
Soon, a pokemon will pop up. Kill it and you can choose to get the pokemon.
Go back and talk to the boy and you can leave the meadow.
What you can catch here:
Grass:Combee (U)Pidove (U)Purrloin (C)Sewaddle (C)Weedle (C)
Lure Station:Bidoof Buneary Fletchinder Weedle
3. Twin Ravine Island
This can help you get Latias and Latios.
Here is a guide: https://www.pokemongodsguide.com/forum/guides/how-to-get-latios-and-latias
*You will need Mirage Crystal.
Go to Dorocoast Research Area. Go right to talk to a sailor. He will wrap you to the island.
You will arrive in a place like this:
Talk to the crystal on the top left corner. You will need to use Mirage Crystal. Don't worry, it won't disappear.
What you can catch here:
Left patch:Pinsir (C)Spearow (C)Surskit (C)Zigzagoon (C) Right patch:Heracross (C)Spearow (C)Surskit (C)Zigzagoon (C) East
West Twin River Peaks:Taillow (C)Spearow (C)Hoppip (U)
You will see two cave in the top left and right. You can't access to them unless you do task in the house. Talk to every NPC.
Do their task and you will find that inside the caves live Latios and Latias. After you finish task, you can go inside. You can't go inside if it is night.
What can you catch here:
West Twin River Peaks:Taillow (C)Spearow (C)Hoppip (U)
Talk to the portal to go back.
Talk to the sailor to go back to Dorocoast Research Area.
4. Sunrock Fields E2 + Deserted Island
Go to Marrabel Town. Walk south into the bushes and interact with Dragonite. (I forgot if you need to do any quest to unlock Dragonite) You can choose to go the Sunrock Fields E2 or Deserted Island.
If you go to Sunrock Fields E2, you can catch pokemons there. The square is where you can hunt. The circle is a cave.
What can you catch here:
Blitzle (U)Bouffalant (U)Flabebe (C)Fletchling (C)Petilil (C)Pidove (U)Rufflet (R)
Now go inside the cave. *It is useless for now though. But it is fun to explore.
You will notice that there are some trees I circled that you can use ORIGINALLY_OWNED Leavanny with 'Cut' to cut the trees down. You need to buy the skill from skill shop. You will also notice a parchment on the top right corner. Actually, it is useless.
Now, it is all cut down:
An interesting fact, though, is that after you leave this cave, the trees grow back. Funny! Interact with the Dragonite to go back to Marrabel Town or go to Deserted Island.
If you go to Deserted Island, here is the guide for what to do there for your first time. It is a quest.
If you haven't comple
(Will update soon)