Trainers, it is time to test your strength. Raid Bosses, a new challenge that has been created to test the ones who truly can call themselves Pokemon Gods. Do YOU have what it takes to overcome this challenge? I will be waiting at Future Mt. Grayview only once you have collected all 7 Gym Badges . The raid will last for 1 month , ending on May 23rd 2023
Small change in the ending of the raid event , It will end on May 31st . So new raids forthcoming will begin at the start of the month
Small changes to the raid: There's a very small chance the Raid boss you battle will be a shiny. Once defeated it will drop a special item which can be used on the newly added NPC to rebirth your Entei into a shiny one. If you already have a shiny entei you can rebirth into a different shiny one in hopes for one with better stats. If you are satisfied with your shiny entei , there's an option to trade in the special item for RBCs at the exchange NPC Note: The level of Shiny raid boss alone is lowered , so you dont have to worry about losing to it