Note: I would like to point out that this guide is based on the Spanish version (made by me) from Numayell's quest guide, all credits to her.
Welcome to the quests guide, where I will guide you through a legendary and a chronologically simple adventure. 😎
Firstly, I would like to give my sincere thanks for the great help these users/players have given me to create this guide: Nexus, PrincessPhoenix, Aerobous, theparents, josemiranda, Lilypond, acchan, TrainerBoss12, Vamp, Carlos15301020, Atomous, Reignover, Chirinos10, Steelman175, RainingForMe, Dexio, Camckee316 and Neoarcadianguardian
NOTE: If you are looking for a particular quest, press the ctrl+f keys and a little search box will open, enter the name of the quest and some results will be highlight.
NOTE2: Have in mind that (Not all new players know) there was a Roll-Back (December, 2016), and what does that mean? That the entire server was returned to how it was on May 13, 2016, deleting all Pokemons and accounts created after this date, on the server and on the forum page: messages, posts, guides, etc... they are long gone. That's why it is important to consider that if you did complete quests, you might have to complete them again, but here we will look into them one by one. Good luck!!
Let's start this epic journey!! Grassy Patch. Welcome to Orden! Yes, Orden is the region's name.
We start our adventure at the docks, south of the area called ''Grassy Patch'' (Orden's World Map, Click here). The very first Npc will tell you the basics of the game and also heal your team. In the group of npcs a bit to the north, you will find a girl with a white lab coat and a exclamation symbol over her head (❕). Interact with her to get our first quest 😎 (keep reading)
NOTE: The quests are given by the npcs with the exclamation mark on their heads, but there are some exceptions like hidden quests (usually are auto started when an npc sees you) and there are also the Bounty Board Quests but we will look into them later on.
Catch a pokemon.
Objective: Catch a wild Caterprie
Reward: 3,000¢
Solution: The girl will give us 3 Pokeball, go and find Caterprie in the grass south from this girl. Once the Caterprie is caught, show it to the girl and we will finish our first quest, in order to reach the first town.
If you run out of Pokeballs you can go back to the girl and she will give you more. (This only works until you complete the Caterprie quest.. Once it's done, she won't give more)
If you need your pokemon to be recovered, the guy next to the pier will heal it.
To get to the next city you must talk to the guy who is blocking the way at the gate to the northwest.
Bluegum Town
Here we will find:
Orden Trainer School (A place to know all about the game)
Quests (there a few and that is the main topic of this guide)
Pokecenter (Here can you heal your team. Can be found in different town/cities)
Pokemarket (Here can you buy different useful items. Can be found in different town/cities)
Tournament house (A place to battle against other users to win epic rewards)
-Once you reach this map, follow the path and talk to the farmer standing in the wild grass. If you go in front of the these 2 npcs they will want a duel but you can Avoid these two npcs (Click here). Enter the Pokemon Center and interact with the npc to start a new quest (will look into it later), also heal your team if needed.
Defeat 15 Sentret for the Farmer
Objective: Defeat 15 Sentret.
Reward: 1,000¢
Solution: After talking to the farmer with the question mark above his head in the grass, lets find Sentret and defeat them. When all 15 Sentret are defeated, talk to the farmer again to get the reward.
Tips: Each time you enter a Pokemon Center, the game will recognise it as a check point, for example, if you are defeated by a Gym Leader or any other Npc, you will be sent back to the last Pokemon Center you did use. (all progress in game is auto saved, don't worry about that.
--We defeated 15 Sentret and our Team is stronger. Try to catch a Pokemon and if you wish you can try to defeat the 2 engaging npcs.
--If you did not start the quest. you can start it now by talking to a npc inside the Pokemon Center.
Show me the scyther!
Objective: The curious gentleman in the Bluegum Town Pokemon Center would like to see a Scyther.
Reward: 1,500¢
Solution: Note: This pokemon is rare and might take a while, have patience. -Leave the Pokemon Center and go to the grass that is located at the northern side of Bluegum Town. We just have to find a Scyther, have it in your Team and then show it to the curious gentleman inside the Pokecenter.
Tips: -You can stop by the Poke Market to buy some Pokeballs as Scyther is a RARE pokemon to obtain and can be difficult to catch.
-Don't catch other pokemon until you got the Scyther, else you might run out of pokeballs.
-Scyther can also be purchased from others Players/Trainers.
NOTE: At this point I highly recommend you to complete the Orden Trainer School. You will get a lot of info related to the game and also good rewards. Orden Trainer School is best place to have a strong start, click here to read the guide.
Earn your first Badge!
Objective: Earn the medal and show it to the guy at the Pokemon Center in Bluegum Town.
Reward: 3,000¢
Solution: Here we will have to travel to Darlinghurst Town to defeat the first Gym, is located east of the town.
Tips: The first Gym is rock type. After getting the medal you can get a completely free Pikachu by finishing this Pikachu MINI-quest (click here).
The Fallen Guardian (Dratini quest)
Objective: We have to catch a Dratini who is an ''S'' class Rare Pokemon. 'S'' class are stronger, but at the same time harder to find (rarer than Scyther) and show it to the old man.
NOTE: Dratini can escape.
Reward: 3,000¢
Solution: You have to enter the *Secret Grotto* on route 3 to start the mission and look for Dratini right there.
Tips: Use ''sleep powder'' (at this point you should already have Butterfree) or a move that puts Dratini to sleep, leave Dratini with little health too or you might lose many Pokeballs. Your Scyther can learn False Swipe which is very useful when reducing the HP of a Pokemon without killing it.
Where is Caramel Sandiego?
Objective: At the end of the Dratini mission, when we leave the ''Secret Grotto'', a character will stop us and ask us to find another character.
Reward: 1,000¢
Solution: We have to go to route 2 and in the Southwest, there will be a girl in a red suit. Talk to her and defeat her only Pokemon(Xatu) lvl 20
Tips: In the grass further to the northeast, at route 2, we can capture Mareep , which we will have to evolve to Ampharos, since it will be useful in a near future for an important Story-Line quest. Mareep is easy to catch but only at day time, might time will you find Paras.
Grand theft Magikarp
Objective: Obtain 2 high quality Magikarp.
Reward: 3,000¢
Solution: To get them we need to defeat 2 kids (izi task xD). Go straight to Bluegum caves in route 1 to challenge a boy. Then we go to the Bluegum Market, interact with the girl and steal the second Magikarp. Deliver both HQ Karps in the house north of the Pokecenter in Darlinghurst Town.
Tips: You have to go find the one in the cave first or the other one won't activate.
Find Me (Eevee Quest)
Objective: We have to talk to the brothers *Chronologically*
Reward: 3,000¢ and Eevee (IVs, nature, ability, and gender are random). If you got a Male one, you can try to catch a new one at Route 14 secret grotto and is a Rare Pokemon =)
Solution: Following guide explains all details about Eevee/sages quest, click here.
Tips: a) You can buy Diner Coupons from other users/players or you beat Wingull in Newpine who will drop them sometimes. b) If you make a mistake in the order or talk to the ''Sage'' twice in a row, you will have to start from scratch.
Behind the Trees (Brother Quest)
Objective: The girl and her brother are playing 'hide and seek'. We have to help the girl to find her brother.
Reward: 2,000¢
Solution: The brother is hiding in this tree. Approach the tree and press the x to interact with him. He asks you not to tell his sister where he is hidding. If you accept he will give you a reward.
Tips: It is completely recommended to not say anything to his sister since the brother will give you 2,000c and also 10 pokeballs.
The Suspicious Mission
Objective: When you follow the story and advance after beating the 2nd Gym, a character will appear asking us to deliver a package.
Reward: 4,000¢
Solution: Must be delivered to the Pokemon Center in Eastbourne City (This quest is completed later)
Tips: Try to catch one Female Nidoran on route 5 and one Larvitar at Greyview cave-secret Grotto, they will be used along the Ampharos (NEW UPDATE: these pokemon are needed for a quest later on, but now these pokemon can be bought from other users, so you don't have to catch them to continue if you want. =3
How to traverse Oldpine Town?
This is not a quest, but the town will close and the police will not allow users to get pass due a crime. We will need to complete the following quest:
Grand teft Magikarp (This quest should be completed, if not, keep reading)
Justice Will Be Served!
Birthday Wishes: Friends are Forever
For more info, click here to complete these quests.
The Suspicious Mission
Objective: The package given to us earlier must be delivered.
Reward: 4,000¢
Solution: Talk to the NPC in Eastbourne City at the Pokemon Center (can't remember if it's inside/outside,lol.
Tips: Take advantage of defeating all the Team Royal members in the City, heading south until you reach the coast of Eastbourne. If we don't do this, the 3rd. Gym leader will not be able to duel you, since he is very busy defeating the Team Royal's members. Once you done, go get the badge (Electric Gym) If you think the gym is too strong, you can always train your pokemon using the Diner/eatery to gain pretty nice xp.
The Lost and Found Tepig
Objective: On route 6, in the pokemon sanctuary you will see a girl and her parents. They are looking for ''Oinkie'', the lost Tepig.
Reward: 4,000¢
Solution: Oinkie is east of the Eastbourne Town Gym in the sector called ''East Eastbourne Farmlands''. Just take the Tepig back to the girl.
The Menacing Manectric
Objective: Scare the Manectric by defeating him, so that he comes out of the sanctuary.
Reward: Manectite and 5,000¢
Solution: This quest can only be started after gaining access to the shrine**
To get started, just talk to the scientist at the entrance to the shrine on route 6. Then we need to find this crafty Manectric, who is in one of the trees inside the shrine. By defeating three times (Click here) we will be able to obtain our reward, by talking to the scientist.
Tips: The pokemon to beat is lvl 45 and it's electric.
Next section is about Sunrock Desert
NOTE 1: I have placed all the quests I have found in the desert; Some of the quests must be done before others, but if you follow the order I have put them in, there will be no problems.
NOTE 2: It is highly recommended to use the map,
Raising Nomads of the Desert
NOTE: This quest is HIGHLY recommended to start now to save you lots of time later on. It starts on route 9 just before entering Sandmarsh Town there will be a character. This quest is not a must and if you wish you can run through all maps in the desert if you want to catch a few pokemon.
Objective: Give him 6 Mumel of level 20 (captured by yourself and enable them for ques.
Reward: 9,000¢ and a lifetime free ride through the desert with the new Numel Ride System.
Solution: Numel can be caught on: Route 7, Sunrock Desert, Route 8, Route 8 Secret Grotto and also route 9 where we started this quest. To level up you can challenge the gyms you have defeated, but not the one with the last medal obtained (at this point the water gym from Newpine Town is a good choice, or you can simply use the Eatery/Diner in Eastbourne. For the Diner we will need diner coupons to enter and these can be bought from other users/players or just defeat a few Wingull.
Tips: Numels can be lvl 20+ no problem but have to be orgi. owned. With this Numel Ride system unlocked you will move much faster through the desert, so epic. This quest is not needed to continue with the story.
Diamond in the Rough
Objective: This quest starts on map C4. Here you have to find a buried treasure following the instructions given to you.
Reward: 4,000¢
Solution: After talking to the NPC, and having obtained the directions, you must find the treasure that is hidden in one of the flags. The indications that you have just been given, represent a map: For Example: 1 down, 2 left, 1 down (these instructions are not the same for everyone so you will get a different pattern). -- Follow all the instructions and you will get the treasure from the flag in that map. The quest will be finished and you will get your reward. Right after, you can go to the desert map E2 where you will find a member of the team Royal blocking an entrance, if we give him the Diamond that we just found, they will give us permission to use the ''Black Market'' of Team Royal =)
Tips: I already put it before but it is totally recommended to write the address on a piece of paper or take a picture of it with the mobile. Blackmarket is a place where you will find items awesome items, they are not cheap x.x
Finding a Needle in a Cactus Stack
Objective: The girl who is near a cactus in the desert (B1), will give you some pollen to pollinate a cactus.
Reward: 6,000¢
Solution: The cactus to pollinate is in D2, and it is a cactus with a flower on the top!
Tips: Press the M key to zoom in and see the flower, can be a bit difficult to see.
Thirsty Desert Pokemon
Objective: The NPC at the Oasis wants water, and also wants you to give it to other pokemons along the way.
Reward: 6,000¢ and Dawn stone.
Solution: If you have water (it is bought in the gate-house that connects route 9 with Sandmarsh Town (use map from above) You need 4-6, from the soda machine) you must give it to the following pokemon:
Audino (Josh's pokemon, your rival) It's in ''C3'', interact with Audino and give him water.
Eevee is next to the flag at the ''E3'' sector.
Lastly, we need to go back to the oasis, to the NPC where we started the quest, and give water to the Smellow next to the NPC, talk to the girl, we finished the quest that fast.
~+~Bounty Board Quests~+~
What is/What does a ''Bounty Board'' look like?
It is a board hanging in the wall of Gate-Houses around Orden. They have bounties on it and you pick them up by interacting with the papers (try always all the papers and have in mind that there might be 2 bounties or more on same paper.
-----Bounty board from Sandmarsh Gatehouse-----
'Wanted poster: Stolen Shiny Pidgey''
NOTE: Inside the tunnel that connects Route 9 with the Sandmarsh Town, we will find a mural where we will find an advertisement for a Shiny Pidgey that was stolen... On Route 7, an officer told us about this matter but nothing ever happened, nor did start the quest... This quest starts once we read the announcement, and ends later on... We will have a look into this quest once we are in the city of Dorocoast.
Wanted Poster: The Pokemon Poacher
Objective: A poacher lurks in the desert and wants some pokemon.
Reward: 7,000¢
Solution: Catch 3 Solrock in Desert B and 3 Lunatone in Sunrock Desert E, both pokemon are Rare so go easy. To finish, talk to the NPC with the bike near the Oasis.
Find Me Staryu
Objective: Capture a Staryu
Reward: 2000¢
Solution: Give it to the guy who gave you the quest. Staryu is found in Safari Zone 2 in the water.
Tips: a) Staryu is a rare pokemon. b) When delivering Staryu, remember that it should not be in your team, trades, gallery, etc, etc.. and ''enable it for quests''
The Ambush Job
Objective: In front of the Npc who gave us this quest, there is a policeman who this guy wants us to face and defeat.
Reward: 9000¢ (I think it was that amount)
Solution: Interact with the officer. You can choose to defeat him or you can tell him that someone will attack. I choose the option to to tell him what is going on (because is faster) and the officer will thank us. We will get our reward. (You can also fight the officer, but I don't know the reward).
Ancient Relics in Modern Times
Objective: Discover the 5 relics. This quest is started at Sunrock Desert E4 with the professor.
Reward: 8.000¢
Solution: This is a very long quest which requires 5 badges and at least 4 more towns, to fully complete the quest.
If you want, you can get the 1st and 2nd relic right now (which is not recommended because we will unlock Fly soon, so we can move faster) or we can wait for later, where we will able to get all 5 relics without interruptions with Story-Line and have enabled the Pidgeot-Fly-System to move faster between towns and cities. If you already have 5 badges, read the Relics guide (Click here).
Relic Of the Moon
NOTE: You start by interacting with the Swellow, on route 12. Follow the Swellow into the tree.
Objective: Obtain the first relic.
Reward: The 1st relic and a ''Shine Candle'' that will help us with the next relic.
Fossils of Fortune
Objective: Take some fossils to the NPC in the tree at route 12
Reward: 5,000¢
Solution: Get a Helix Fossil, a Dome Fossil and an Old Ember. Give them to the NPC.
Tips: Fossils are found in desert A1 in the small cave at the mini-game. You can also buy them From other users.
--Section finish, down below starts a new one:
🦅Dorocoast Town🦅
In this Town we will have a look into the following important topics:
Pidgeot Fly System: Allows you to travel faster between Towns and Cities
Shiny Pidgey.
4th Gym.
Sea Fairy Island
How to start S.S. Neptune
The wedding
Different quests/Bounties.
NOTE: From now on, you will have many battles against strong pokemons and not just any pokemon, they will all be SHINY Pokemons (I have my blastoise at lvl 100 and it still wasn't enough so you will have to heal your team at the pokecenter a few times. There are lots of npcs and with many different pokemons and when I did this part I did not take notes down for a strategy or what pokemons are you facing with each npc. You are welcome to comment down below if you know them :)
NOTE 2: If you think the Pokemons are too strong, you can use the Eatery/diner to get decent xp to lvl-up your pokes and optionally you are welcome to scroll down and complete the other quest and then come back to this quest down below:
Pidgeot Fly System
If I'm right, this is hidden quest like the Pikachu quest, that means it will not be shown at the quest list.
Let's go!
First, we wanna go to the Poke Center to heal our team.
Objective: We need to calm down the Pidgeots in the town because the King Pidgeot got captured. Beat Team Royal and their leader in order to free the Shiny Pokemons they have stolen... among those Shinies you will find the King-Pidgeot and the Shiny Pidgey from a few quests above.
Reward: I don't remember if there is some money and/or items, what I can assure you, is that you will unlock the fast travel system between town/cities thanks to the Pidgeots. (It would be like using ''fly'' on Gameboy games, etc. These Pidgeots to fly around will be found in between each Pokemarket and Center, once the quest is finished.
Solution: This quest is started when we enter the Pokemon Center, where two people are arguing/fighting. (If I missed something, please comment below). After the dialog have to go to the Gym (north of town) and the leader of the 3rd gym will appear with his girlfriend. Talk to him and after the dialog, go to the northernmost boat that is in the Dorocoast Docks (to the east of the the Town. As I said before, you only have to defeat the team royal and its leader, so there is no other solution than to beat them.
The info that I can give you, is that they are all lvl 60-70 (shinies), different types and also different generations.
Once we defeat the Leader of the royal team we will obtain the King Pidgeot and also the supposed Shiny Pidgey stolen from the officer mentioned in one of the previous quests. Then, we go to the 3rd gym leader (I think he's still outside the gym in Dorocoast) and then we go to the pokemon Center, where the 4th gym leader (without defeating him), who will give us the 4th medal for our epic help! Boom, easy!!
Next to the Gym Leader, we will find the officer who placed the announcement of the stolen pidgey from the quest 'Wanted poster: Stolen Shiny Pidgey''. (If you missed this quest don't worry, now we have the Pidgeots on our side to freely move between towns. Fly to Sandmarsh Town, enter the gate-house at south side and interact with the ''Bounty Board''. Once the quest started, fly back to Dorocoast and talk to the officer. BOOM!! The officer will give us 4.000c as a reward!!
Tips: Be patient when fighting Shiny pokemons. There are many trainers and each one has at least 2-6. But it's worth it since it will make it easier for us to move between map all maps, as long they are unlocked :3
Old Dorocoast Safari survey
Objective: Capture an Absol, Lickitund and Snorunt
Reward: 5,000¢
Solution: This quest starts at the house furthest east of the Pokecenter. Once the Pokemons are captured you must enable them them for ''quest'' and they should NOT be in your team, gallery, trades, etc, etc.... These Pokemons are in the Safari Zone Click here:
Absol it is in the grass with the Lileep/Ampharos. (Zone 1, rare pokemon)
Lickitund it's on the grass outside the cave, on the grass with the Milktank. (Zone 2, rare pokemon)
Snorunt is found anywhere in the Frost cave (common pokemon)
Tips: If you enter the gate-house through zone 3's, you will have the option to buy a ''Life time-pass''from an npc, which will help us enter and exit the safari quickly. Also with this pass, we will be able to cure our pokemons inside the safari zone by talking to some NPC in there, which will save us a lot of time!! .... The pass costs 15,000¢ (It is worth buying it)
All Hail Glalie!
Objective: Show a Glalie to the NPC in Dorocoast.
Reward: 9,000¢ and 30 Poke Food
Solution: Catch a Snorunt in the Safari Zone Cave and evolve it once it reaches lvl 42.
Tips: You can use the Diner/eatery (You need Diner coupons to enter), to quickly evolve your pokemon, There is one in Dorocoast Town.
Dancing the Night Away
Objective: Show 6 Ludicolo
Reward: 11,000¢
Solution: You can catch 6 Lotads and lvl them up to level 14, then you must obviously use 6xWater stone to get Ludicolo. Enable them for quest and remove it from team, gallery, trades, etc, etc...
Tips: Lotad is found in the following places: Route 2, Newpine Town, Route 10, Route 11, Old Dorocoast Safari Zone 2, Old Dorocoast Safari Zone 3 and Route 12... This Pokemon is super common so you won't have any problems evolving them all quickly.
Wingull Delivery Service
Objective: Help a Wingull with the mail, since it is exhausted.
Reward: 5,000¢
Solution: After talking to the postman, we will fly directly to Darlinghurst Town and inside the mansion with the Magikarps (just above the Pokemon Center):
Deliver the letter to the girl next to the table.
This girl will give us another correspondence which we will have to take to Eastbourne Gardens (where the Gym is), and we will deliver it to the waiter circulating around.
Now we go to Bluegum Town and inside the Tournament-house talk to the manager, who is in the far north.
The next letter is for a worker at the Sandmarsh Market who makes cupcakes (hopefully this will finish soon, lol) and this girl will give us an ''Energy Food''.
Give the Energy Food to the poor and tired Wingull, obviously at Dorocoast Docks, where we started this quest, just talk to the postman.
Tips: Use the Pidgeot fly-system xD
Girls and boys, now we are ready to start with this area. Catching a Goldeen (uncommon) and a Magikarp (common) will be useful to us later. Both Pokemons are on route 4, right in the lake.
Also buy 15 Potions and 1 no-experience-stone.
NOTE 1: From now on we will have a look into the the story and the quests, obviously in the most comfortable order possible.
NOTE 2: Sea Fairy Island guide was made by Steelman175, and the images are from Noe, thanks guys!
NOTE 3: Interact with all npcs with the exclamation mark to start all quests from this zone.
1. Dorocoast Town Docks
You need to go to the Dorocoast Town docks, you will see a girl holding a pink umbrella with a Wingull at her side,
(I have already finished the quest but she will be with the Wingull in this spot)
She will beg for a potion. You need to buy a potion and give it to her, she will gulp it down (potions can be bought at any Pokemart or some players sell them at their shop). She will then ask for 15 more potions and a no experience stone(no experience stones can be bought along with the potions at a Pokemart or some player shops) , once you give them to her she will allow you to travel to Sea Fairy Island.
2. Sea Fairy Island
At the beginning of Sea Fairy Island (now abbreviated SFI) you will arrive next to the Wingull that brought you here
You need to go to the girl you helped earlier, she will tell you to go to the house at the right of the island, enter the house and speak to the guy with the brown hat
He will tell you he is studying the mysterious island guardian (if you can't get in the house press "X" while facing the door)go outside and the girl (let's call her "Pinky") will tell you to follow her into the forest.
3. Sea Fairy Forest
When you enter the forest, you can waste your time battling NPCs or just talk to the magic teleporting Bulbasaur (he is in-between a rock and tree) he will teleport you to another one across the water.
Walk into the water (you won't drown) find your way to Pinky, she will tell you to find a book back in SFI house (the one you visited earlier) press "X" at the book shelves until you find the right one
(image does not represent the right book :P)
Return to Pinky, she will tell you to give her the Magikarp we got eralier (enable it for quests on it's stat page). She will make a mistake and tell you to get a Goldeen instead (enable it for quests on it's stat page).
You will be allowed to enter the cave (with Goldeen's Aqua Ring).
Once you enter the cave you can now hunt Finneon.
4. Sea Fairy Cave/Sea part 1
Upon entering the cave it would be useful to defeat some Finneons along the way to get Sea scales (50 Sea scales are needed). Then keep walking through the cave until you find stairs and just continue until you reach the back of the cave, enter the small area, where you will see our little blue guardian. Talk to this one, he will wake up and then panic knowing that he has been robbed. The guardian will disappear. Now head over to Pinky (we can use Bulbasaurs to move faster) who is next to the Wingull at the very start of the Island. After speaking to her, keep walking south through the water and you will enter a new map. Go all the way south until you find the guardian having a battle against a team royal's Blastoise. When the battle is over you will be affected by one of the guardian's abilities and will appear next to the Wingull.
Sea Fairy Cave/Sea Part 2
Now that the guardian is safe, talk to our friend Pinky who is in town, she will talk about how the guardian is spying on you from afar and that the guardian also has an interest in you. Pinky will tell you to go back to the house and find a book about "Sea Scales", read it and go back to the cave. Defeat the finneon until you get 50 ''Sea scales'' (Don't do it if you already have them), go back to the village and drop the ''Sea Scales into the well, and those will form a sea bell. Enter the cave and you will find 5 guardians. Talk to them, one of them will come out and it will be your pokemon. And the lived happily to time's end.
Down below is how to complete the quests from Sea Fairy Island:
The Child of the Sea
Objective: Find a Pokemon that may not exist.
Reward: 12,000¢ and guardian Pokemon :D
Solution: Scroll a few lines above to the sea fairy cave part 1 and 2, once we have the guardian, enable it for quests and show it to the guy who gave us this quest.
Tips: Don't be afraid, as the npc won't take the guardian away when showing it.
Secret of the Sea Legend
Objective: Find a rumour which does not exist.
Reward: 6,000¢
Solution: Once the previous quest is finished, we will go back to the cave in the water where the guardian is and in the center of it, there will be a ninja. When talking to him, he will tell us that we can reset the guardian (New nature and stats) and for this you have to collect 20 ''Beach glass'' that are found in the shells on the beach of Sea Fairy Island (These appear rarely and only when returning to the beach from the forest, so don't despair).
By obtaining the 20 ''Beach glass'' we can make the ''Glass Flute'' and for this, we have to deliver the 20 pieces to a guy reading a book in the house, where we found the previous books (remember that to enter the house you have to press the ''X'' button close to the door). Now that we have the flute, go back to the ninja inside the cave and talk to him to show him the ''Glass Flute'' and BOOM gg wp.
Tips: This quest takes some time and this quest ends once you show the flute to the ninja, you don't have to give rebirth the guardian. NOTE: When giving rebirth to the guardian, he will lose purchased moves, EV points, Xp, and any lvl gained. But doing this there is a chance that you will get a guardian with higher IVs and the correct nature.
💎The wedding💎
NOTE: This is the continuation after the fourth badge, which I didn't do before because an event came out and I didn't want to miss it, lol xD if you did not complete that part, search and complete the Pidgeot Fly System section (you can press Ctrl+f and type it in the little search box )
--Once in Dorocoast, go directly into the GYM and talk to Oliver, who will tell us to talk to the Pidgeot who is outside the GYM. It will take us to Eastbourne where a wedding will take place (in the church obviously).
--Before you enter the chapel, make sure to heal your pokemon in the pokemon center. --Defeat Team Royal members (they have LvL 60-65 pokemon).
--Let's enter the wedding and when we reach the altar, a dialogue will begin and when it ends we will have to fight! Once the battle is over. you will wake up in the basement of the chapel and follow Oliver to leave.
--Wedding section is over for now and you will have to options: you can now do more side quests from Bounty Boards since we have unlocked Fly, or you can skip the Bounties by scrolling down a bit to the SS Neptune section.--
-----Eastbourne Bounty Board-----
Wanted Poster: The Lost Police Pokeball
Objective: Find the pokeball
Reward: 2,000¢
Solution: This is north-east of the Jail in Oldpine Town, we take it and that's it.
Wanted Poster: The Indoor Bike Rider
Objective: Stop the character for riding a bike inside the house
Reward: 2,000¢
Solution: The npc is in the house with the pots inside, in Newpine Town, and rides a bicycle. Defeat him. and done.
Tips: Has lvl 40 pokemon
Wanted Poster: Eat and Run - Eastbourne
Objective: Find the person who ate at The Eastbourne Diner but left without paying the bill.
Reward: 1,000¢ and 10 Diner Coupons
Solution: In the Pokémon sanctuary (route 6) we will find a Boy sitting on the bench (not the old man), in the north part of the sanctuary. Let's talk to him and there will be 3 options to choose, to confirm that he is the culprit. Choose the ''Wanted Poster'' option. After talking to him, he will be sent to Oldpine Jail.
Wanted Poster: The Transporter Thief
Objective: Find the wanted person by stealing the carriers of the wanted posters!
Reward: 4,000¢
First - West Eastbourne Fields
Second – East Eastbourne Fields
Third – Northwest Eastbourne Fields
Fourth- Eastbourne Gardens
++Ancient Relic Quest++
Ancient Relics in Modern Times
Note: Relic quest part can be done later on once we have defeated the 5th. If you have defeated the leader, just keep reading. Else you might want to skip and come back here later.
This is a long quest and will be completed once we have all the relics. To get all the relics we need to reach the 5th gym and then can you come back here to keep going for more story line.
-Click here for full guide of the relics.
SS Neptune + Riddle quest
(How to get to Blackfell)
NOTE: To get to the island where the SS. Neptune ran aground, we need to have the 3rd relic at least.
I would like to give a big thanks to the users Nexus and camckee316 for the great help they gave me!!
--Our adventure begins on the pier at Dorocoast Town. Here we will talk to the captain/sailor who is north of the pier next to the blue boat. Doing that, will take us to the island where the SS. Neptune is found.
--Not mandatory but if you want a little bit of experience for your pokemon you can beat the members of Team Royal.
--Try to get close to the Quagsire who will want us to follow. Follow it entering from the stern of the SS. Neptune.
--Defeat Team Royal Members to advance inside the ship. The other part of the ship is on the left side.
--Here you will see a shieldon, talk to shieldon and he will show you a secret tunnel which connects the next room.
--Defeat the members of Team Royal until you find Cascadie (2nd GYM Leader) and Cliford (1st GYM Leader). Now we have to find a key that one of the members of the Team Royal dropped in the lower part of the ship (where we are). This key will be usefull to us on top of the SS Neptune. The key is in the water, just walk and press the X button everywhere until you find it.
-Once the key is found, we will go to the top, and for this we have to enter the SS. Nepture by the Prow. (You have to leave completely and enter through the bow).
--Now that we have the key we are going to leave the ship and go to the entrance of the bow, where Cascadie will be, we talk to him and we will start with a couple of quests with rewards :D (About time hehe).
A Gym Leader in need is a Gym Leader indeed
Objective: Recover stolen the Pokemon from Cascadie and Cliford. (The objective changes once inside the ship and I will explain it to you)
Reward: 8,000¢ (Obviously also the pass to Blackfell)
Solution: Once inside the SS. Neptune, we talk to the first Team Royal member (we'll call him ''Leader''), who will inform us that his boss hasn't paid them for a month, that their families are hungry and that they want to go back to Blackfell. (This is when the quest Cascadie gave you is changed to another quest, among other words, a sub-quest).
The "Leader" also informs us that they are in a bad mood and tired, so instead of we having to battle all the members to get the stolen pokemons, there will be a riddle pokemon game, also known as the Riddle Quest.
++Riddle quest++
1.- Answer the riddles, but also in the correct order!
2.- The puzzle is a specific pokemon and to advance to the next one, you must show the pokemon. (Remove him from your team, trades, gallery and enable it for quests. Then talk to the Team Royal member).
3.- It is not mandatory that the pokemons are original owned, you can also use pokemons from other users. Shiny Pokemons can be used.
4.- Follow the Riddle quest guide, click here.
5.- Once completed, we are able to get to the new town by talking with the captain on the isle where SS Neptupe is, and choose Blackfell option.
++Blackfell Town++
Once on the isle, heal your pokemon and visit the market if you need some items.
Follow the path to the west from the pokemon center and start a new quest by talking to the npc walking outside the house or inside of one of them.
Feeding the Fire
Objective: Defeat 40 Sudowoodo
Reward: 9.000¢ and an Anti-heat orb (we need this item on a few more steps else we can't continue with the story. Solution: This quest can only be done at daytime! Keep walking to the west and till you reach the grass where we will find Sudowoodo.
Tips: This pokemon gives 2 Def EV! Do not wast them ;)
Taking Care of this Daycare
Objective: Cleaning Blackfell's Daycare from the dirty hands of Team Royal
Recompensa: ¢
Solution: From the Pokemon center, we must take the path that goes north and follow the route. Here we will find Jhon who informs us that the daycare is full of members of Team Royal, so we go in silence. --After Jhon cheats on a member, we will be able to enter the daycare. --Once inside, there will be a girl who tells us that the Daycare is out of service. Let's talk to the member who is blocking the entrance and choose the option that says something with ''supplies'' and go downstairs. --Let's talk to Jhon and then we have to defeat all the members of the Royal team. Once we defeat he Team royal's manager, he tells us that this Daycare was the most visited ever and that many Shiny pokemons inhabited... they lived harmoniously together, until the Team royal's leader left a manager in charge who was not interested in respect and love (Something like that)... then the popularity of this Daycare fell apart.
NOTE1: When the conversation is over, make sure to challenge the last member of the team royal that is in the corner, south and left.
NOTE2: Now we can start the quest that John gives us inside the Daycare and other quests will come in between that we must complete to continue with the story.
Tips: The members' pokemons are lvl 65+, bring potions just in case.
Now that we cleaned the Daycare, we can start the next quest:
The Hunt for the Honey Mushroom
Objective: Get some magic mushrooms for a medicine
Reward: 5,000¢ and a Genarite mega- stone.
Solution: When leaving the Daycare we should go to the west and an NPC will stop us and poof, teleports us to a house where we start another quest called ''The Zombie`s Apocalypse''
NOTE: You will be able to continue with the mushroom quest when you finish the The Zombie`s Apocalypse quest, click here . Once we complete it we can continue reading down below.
--Now that we have the mushroom, we should take it to our rival John and we will finish the quest. After we finish talking with him, he will tell us that we were a little late and that he took the pokemons to the Pokemon Center.
When the dialogue is over, we will appear in the pokemon center.
It may not be easy to see him because other users are in the pokemon center, but John is right in front of the pokemon center's nurse, so we talk to John and he will tell us that the pokemons are much better and regarding Splashy (Cascadie's Gyarados ) he will inform us that it is fully recovered. He will also mention that we can surely go to the next town called Wildhaven.
--Let's talk to Cascadie and she will tell us that she and Cliford will be ready to go to Wildhaven but first, after eating some food, so while they are eating we will to the granny's grave who owned the haunter that is following us from Newpine Town.
This tomb is north of the swamp on Blackfell . (This grave is mentioned by the nurse who wanted 8 potions!)
--Let's leave the Pokemon Center and to the right, outside the pokemon market, there will be a guy who has an exclamation mark above him... he seems to be giving us a quest but he doesn't... he will only tell us that there is a relic on the island. (I recommend talking to him anyway) This quest can be started once we have the 4th relic, so let's wait).
NOTE: Now is it when the 4th relic part starts, so we are going to the relics quest (click here) that is mentioned a few quests above.
---Once in the guide go to the point where we start the 4th relic, follow the steps and come back to this guide for more quests =)
Luxuries of a Home
Objective: Memorize the code, which is inside a house.
Reward: 11,000¢
Solution: Go to Eastbourne City and buy the house north of the church where the old lady is, for only 50,000c. Once inside, read the books that are near a white carpet. Then go back to the NPC who gave us this quest.
Tips: Now that you got your own house, you should talk to all the policemen who are in the yard of your house and then you can talk to John who is in the Blackfell Pokecenter and you will finish thie quest ''Taking Care of this Daycare'' .
Rescuing the Route 4 Magikarp
Objective: Magikap from the route 4 do feel stressed and we have to find a new home for it,
Reward: 500¢
Solution: Once we are with the Magikarp, press the X button and it will move to the lake of our house.
To be Continued...
Many more quests to come soon, this is a huge guide. Cheers.