So you made it to Route 4 and encountered a Sage who is giving you a quest to find his brothers in a specific order for a prize, Eevee.
You must talk to the brothers in the same order as stated in this guide or you will have to redo the quest over and over.
IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A DINER COUPON IN YOUR BAG FOLLOW THIS STEP FIRST (if you do have a diner coupon you can proceed to find the First Brother)
Before you start going to find the brothers, go up to the next map which is Newpine Town so you can find and faint Wingull until you get a Diner Coupon.
Once you have your Diner Coupon, we can now begin the hunt for the Five Sages.
1. The First Brother (Grassy Patch)
This is the easiest brother to find and talk to. By hitting the Position Reset button you will be taken to the starting location of the game, Grassy Patch. Alternatively, you can travel the map normally all the way down from Route 4 to Grassy Patch for the exercise 😆.
2. The Second Brother (Route 3 Daycare)
Once you make your way to Route 3 which is the map above Darlinghurst Town, look closely because the second brother is lurking behind the trees watching us collect our eggs (Always Lurking, Always Watching) talk to him then go find the third brother.
3. The Third Brother (Bluegum Pokemon Center)
Remember that Position Reset Button?
You can use it to teleport back to the Grassy Patch map to head to find the third brother in the Bluegum Pokemon Center talk to him then go find the fourth brother. Alternatively, you can choose to keep your character fit and run from Route 3 to the Bluegum Town Pokemon Center.
4. The Fourth Brother (Route 3 Grotto)
Alright, you need to make your way back to Route 3, the fourth Brother is hiding in the Secret Grotto hidden on Route 3, the entrance is shown in the image above.
Once you enter the grotto you will see the brother, staring at the trees frozen in time, talk to him then let's go find the fifth and final brother.
5. The Fifth Brother (Darlinghurst Diner)
After finding and talking to the fourth brother it is time to head back to Darlinghurst Town. The building to the right to the right of the Poke Mart is the Darlinghurst Diner, talk to the waitress NPC to enter the building.
The Fifth Brother is having a meal inside there, also, remember that Diner Coupon from the Wingull you got? You need it to enter the Darlinghurst Diner, see why I told you to do that first😀.
The NPC will always be in the diner no matter what level you select. Talk to him then head back to Route 4 where you first got the quest.
6. Back to the Quest Sage
After heading and talking to the Quest Giver Sage, he will express his thanks and will gift you his last Pokemon, his Eevee.
Alright, now that you have finished the Quest, I will give you some helpful information.
Do you remember the Route 3 Grotto where the Fourth Brother is? Well, if you hunt there you have a chance to find Dratini and Gible and if you don't, it is still a great place to do Speed EV (Effort Value Training for the Speed Stat). (Please note that hunting Gible will drain your sanity)
That's All Folks~
Nice guide! I was missing the images x) It could be great to remark and mention that you will have to speak to all the brothers in the same order shown in the guide, either, the quest will not be completed and you will have to speak to all the brothers one more time =)