Welcome back to another guide, this time I will be showing you how to get past the Team Royale Guards in the SS Neptune as well as what Pokemon you need to obtain. (I snagged this from Chileno and Zire so go tell them thanks as well)
The Riddle Pokemon
First off, these are the Pokemon you will obtain and quest enable and making sure they are off your team to show the guards and the locations to find these Pokemon. (They remain with you, so don't worry they won't be taken away)
Tip: Pokemon for this quest DO NOT have to be originally owned and shiny Pokemon can also be used. (However, it is important to have an originally owned Tyranitar, as you will need it in a future side quest :D)
1. Ampharos
You can catch and fully evolve Mareep which is at Route 6
2. Nidorina
Catch and evolve Nidoran Female (Blue one) which is at Route 5
3. Cherrim
Catch Cherubi which is at the top patch (Scyther patch) in Bluegum Town
4. Sunflora
Catch Sunkern anywhere at the Eastbourne Farmlands.
5. Gardevoir
Catch and fully evolve a Ralts which is at Route 1 in the patch closest the Route 2 (Heracross Patch).
6. Lumineon
Catch and evolve Finneon which is found inside Sea Fairy Cave. (If you have not unlocked Sea Fairy Cave see at the end of the guide for assistance, or you could be lazy and have someone trade one to you.)
7. Dunsparce
Route 2. Patch closest to Darlinghurst (Girafarig Patch).
8. Vileplume
Catch Oddish in the bottom right patch in Route 2 (Vulpix Patch) and Evolve it to Gloom then use a Leaf Stone.
9. Tyranitar
Catch and fully evolve Larvitar which is in Grayview grotto
Once you have obtained all the Pokemon and trained them it's back to the S.S Neptune :D
The Order of the Guards
Image Credits by Chileno
After you have shown the guards the Pokemon ensure you collect all of Clifford' s and Cassidy's Pokemon that are on the tables then head to the room on the right and rescue Splashy.
Congrats, you have just finished the Riddle Pokemon for the SS Neptune.
I hope this Guide helped you, please thank Chileno and Zire for making it so much easier to draft this.
Bonus: Sea Fairy Island
So, you haven't unlocked Sea Fairy Cave yet? Don't worry I'll help you really quick. (All credit goes to Steelman175)
1. Dorocoast Town Docks
You need to go to the Dorocoast Town docks, you will see a girl holding a pink umbrella with a Wingull at her side,
(I have already finished the quest but she will be with the Wingull in this spot)
She will beg for a potion. You need to buy a potion and give it to her, she will gulp it down (potions can be bought at any Pokemart or some players sell them at their shop). She will then ask for 15 more potions and a no experience stone(no experience stones can be bought along with the potions at a Pokemart or some player shops) , once you give them to her she will allow you to travel to Sea Fairy Island.
2. Sea Fairy Island
At the beginning of Sea Fairy Island (now abbreviated SFI) you will arrive next to the Wingull that brought you here
You need to go to the girl you helped earlier, she will tell you to go to the house at the right of the island, enter the house and speak to the guy with the brown hat
He will tell you he is studying the mysterious island guardian (if you can't get in the house press "X" while facing the door)go outside and the girl (let's call her "Pinky") will tell you to follow her into the forest.
3. Sea Fairy Forest
When you enter the forest, you can waste your time battling NPCs or just talk to the magic teleporting Bulbasaur (he is in-between a rock and tree) he will teleport you to another one across the water.
Walk into the water (you won't drown) find your way to Pinky, she will tell you to find a book back in SFI house (the one you visited earlier) press "X" at the book shelves until you find the right one
(image does not represent the right book :P)
Return to Pinky, she will tell you to give her a Magikarp (enable it for quests on it's stat page). She will make a mistake and tell you to get a Goldeen instead (enable it for quests on it's stat page). Both of these Quest Pokemon can be found on Route 4
Must be quest enabled and off the team and after you have shown her both Pokemon, you will be allowed to enter the cave (with Goldeen's Aqua Ring).
Once you enter the cave you can now hunt Finneon.
Extra Bonus, since you've been so nice to make it all the way here (Credits to ChilenoEnDinamarca)
Sea Fairy Cave/Sea part 1
Upon entering the cave it would be useful to defeat some Finneons along the way to get Sea scales (50 Sea scales are needed). Then keep walking through the cave until you find stairs and just continue until you reach the back of the cave, enter the small area, where you will see our little blue guardian. Talk to this one, he will wake up and then panic knowing that he has been robbed. The guardian will disappear. Now head over to Pinky (we can use Bulbasaurs to move faster) who is next to the Wingull at the very start of the Island. After speaking to her, keep walking south through the water and you will enter a new map. Go all the way south until you find the guardian having a battle against a team royal's Blastoise. When the battle is over you will be affected by one of the guardian's abilities and will appear next to the Wingull.
Sea Fairy Cave/Sea Part 2
Now that the guardian is safe, talk to our friend Pinky who is in town, she will talk about how the guardian is spying on you from afar and that the guardian also has an interest in you. Pinky will tell you to go back to the house and find a book about "Sea Scales", read it and go back to the cave. Defeat the Finneon until you get 50 ''Sea scales'' (Don't do it if you already have them), go back to the village and drop the ''Sea Scales into the well, and those will form a sea bell. Enter the cave and you will find 5 guardians. Talk to them, one of them will come out and it will be your Pokemon, Phione. and they lived happily to time's end.
The following Parts are the remaining things do to complete the quests from the Island and also get the Pokemon Guardian. Enjoy :D
Sea Fairy Cave/Sea part 1
Upon entering the cave it would be useful to defeat some Finneons along the way to get Sea scales (50 Sea scales are needed). Then keep walking through the cave until you find stairs and just continue until you reach the back of the cave, enter the small area, where you will see our little blue guardian. Talk to this one, he will wake up and then panic knowing that he has been robbed. The guardian will disappear. Now head over to Pinky (we can use Bulbasaurs to move faster) who is next to the Wingull at the very start of the Island. After speaking to her, keep walking south through the water and you will enter a new map. Go all the way south until you find the guardian having a battle against a team royal's Blastoise. When the battle is over you will be affected by one of the guardian's abilities and will appear next to the Wingull.
Sea Fairy Cave/Sea Part 2
Now that the guardian is safe, talk to our friend Pinky who is in town, she will talk about how the guardian is spying on you from afar and that the guardian also has an interest in you. Pinky will tell you to go back to the house and find a book about "Sea Scales", read it and go back to the cave. Defeat the finneon until you get 50 ''Sea scales'' (Don't do it if you already have them), go back to the village and drop the ''Sea Scales into the well, and those will form a sea bell. Enter the cave and you will find 5 guardians. Talk to them, one of them will come out and it will be your pokemon. And the lived happily to time's end.